Improve green technologies diffusion - kwantis
Performance Optimization, Renewable

Improve green technologies diffusion

The growing need to find innovative solutions to climate change made environmentally sound technologies the cornerstone of the transition from carbon-intense economies towards clean and efficient-energy systems. To trigger this transformational shift and facilitate the dissemination of green technologies kwantis was in charge of analysing and finding new ways to boost matchmaking between technology providers and innovation seekers.


The purpose of the project was to provide the client with an in depth analysis of its green technologies database. An effective business intelligence tool (QlikView) was used to valorize the database content and perform a multidimensional analysis based on tailored technology rating criteria.

“In-depth analysis and benchmark of green technologies”

Each criteria was created to screen accurately the technology’s value chain positioning, its level of market readiness, the type of innovation maker (Academic Institutions, Government/Quasi-Government Institutions, Multinational Company, MSMEs, Research Center/Labs), the technology field and its target applications. A series of analysis have been made cross-combining the different criteria in order to support specific matchmaking initiatives.

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