A large Oil&Gas operator was planning the towing of an FPSO from Korean shipyard to the operation field in Angola. The risk assessment was supporting decisions regarding the selection of the route, the refueling plan and the onboard operations.
Performance Optimization, Naval
Risk Planning on Naval Operations
International Oil Company
A dedicated workshop was organized and facilitated by a kwantis partner, to identify and evaluate the risks and opportunities at every stage of the operation and on all alternatives under investigation. Then risks were represented as variables in a time and cost , probabilistic model. A safety factor was assigned to each scenario combining the number of towing vessels, the possible routes, the refueling strategy and the operations onboard.
“Planning of naval operations, with the consideration of all risks and opportunities”
The result of the analysis supported the definition of a best scenario, providing a sufficient safety factor and an economic optimum. Finally, the FPSO towing was successfully achieved, in due time.